Pronúncia: uɾɛ́ʎə
- anatomia ear.
- dreçar les orelles figuradament to prick up one’s ears.
- ensenyar l’orella figuradament to give oneself away, reveal one’s true nature, show the cloven hoof.
- estirar les orelles a algú figuradament to (pull \ tweak \ box) someone’s ears.
- les parets tenen orelles walls have ears.
- veure’s les orelles [després d’una malaltia] to feel better.
- tenir l’orella dura, ser dur d’orella to be tone-deaf, be hard of hearing.
- tenir orella to have a good ear, have an ear for music.
- (donar \ prestar) orella a també figuradament to listen to, give ear to, lend an ear to.
- li entra per una orella i li surt per l’altra figuradament it goes in at one ear and out at the other.
- escoltar amb totes les seves orelles to be all (ears \ attention).
- fer orelles de marxant to pretend no to hear, turn a deaf ear to.
- tancar l’orella a les queixes to be deaf to complains.
- parlar a cau d’orella a algú to whisper something to someone, whisper something in someone’s ear.
- no hi sent d’aquesta orella he is deaf (on that side \ in that ear).
- li deuen bufar les orelles his ears must be (tingling \ burning).
- [d’un calçat] tab.
- tag.
- [d’un recipient] lug, handle.
- mecànica lug, flange.
- orella d’os botànica bear-ear, auricula.
- orella de mar zoologia abalone, sea-ear.